Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy V is a 1992 role-playing video game developed and published by Square. It is the fifth main installment of the Final Fantasy series.
Final Fantasy V
The game takes place in a medieval fantasy setting, and centers on a group of four strangers brought together by circumstance to save the Crystals. Compilation of Final Fantasy VII · Final Fantasy VII: Snowboarding · Faris Scherwiz
評分 4.0 (774) 著名RPG遊戲《FF》系列第五作現已通過精美鮮明的2D畫面回歸。 原版的氣氛與樂趣有了更大的提升,玩家可以更輕鬆地享受這一不朽篇章。 “風的律動發生了變化?”調和世界的四塊 ...
Save 30% on FINAL FANTASY V on Steam
評分 4.5 (1,715) A remodeled take on the fifth game in the world-renowned FINAL FANTASY series! Enjoy the timeless story told through charming retro graphics.
FF5 攻略總目錄(iOS舊PR)
1.正宗– 因為有優先行動,可用時魔的神速,再用極速和強力守護,打超強boss挺好用。 2.小叮噹之鈴– 平常攻擊力只有55。但亂擊卻超強,試過Lv65後自由人可以扣1800-3800(不太 ...
Final Fantasy V
《Final Fantasy V》(日語:ファイナルファンタジーV,英語:Final Fantasy V,台灣舊譯「太空戰士V」)是由史克威爾開發並發行的電子角色扮演遊戲,是Final Fantasy系列的第 ...